Born in Augusta Georgia in 1956, Vicki began potting in 1989. Her infatuation with clay began as a hobby, but evolved into so much more after several years of relentless self-taught devotion in her remote mountain studio in North Carolina.
Vicki has developed a devoted following because of her signature glazes and the life that she infuses into all of her work. Her pots have a simple, understated elegance with their vintage silhouettes and buttery glazes. As Vicki often says, her pots seem as though they could have been found in your great-grandmother’s home.
Having re-established her pottery studio in South Carolina, Vicki works every day producing face jugs, roosters, and folk figures as well as table ware and vases. She currently fires in an electric kiln, but has plans to build a new wood kiln next year.
Her wish is to continue to make pots till the day she dies, and she cannot imagine a life without days of being wet and muddy, just like her experiences during her childhood.
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